Story Master

Last Friday and Saturday I took the opportunity to attend a conference presented by Capital City Writers Association. At this conference, I was blown-away by the Guest Speaker, Michael Hauge: StoryMaster. Having heard other writers speak of him, I was curious about what all the excitement was about at hearing this guy speak. Now I … Continue reading Story Master

New Year 2017 – A New Beginning

As the New Year begins, I look back and wonder what I want for this year that did not happen last year. There are many things, but that is not what I want to write about now. Something has happened that has sparked an interest in my "abilities" as I know them. What does that … Continue reading New Year 2017 – A New Beginning

How to Write a Compelling Setting

Merriam-Webster defines setting as “the time, place, and conditions in which the action of a book, movie, etc., takes place.” So what does that mean to a writer and how do they make a reader feel like they are in that setting? The best way is for the author to be in that setting as … Continue reading How to Write a Compelling Setting